We depart from 645 Old San Carlos Blvd. on Fort Myers Beach. Our dock and ticket office is located under the Sky Bridge, next to Nervous Nellie’s restaurant and adjacent to the Marina Village Resort Condominium dock.
varies upon season as you can take the back route or use US 41N. We recommend typing in the address you are staying at as your start point, and use our address as your end point to get the best route for you.
A private parking lot adjacent to the Adventures in Paradise dock offers all-day parking most days for $5-$10 per vehicle. Prices for parking may increase during holidays and special events. (This parking is not operated by Adventures in Paradise)
You will also find METERED PARKING along Old San Carlos Blvd.
There are also plenty of PRIVATE PARKING lots within close proximity to the dock. All-day parking normally runs between $5 to $15.